90% of the inhabitants of the friendly Spanish coast will not hesitate to say that their life is beautiful! And in this bold statement there really will not be a single gram of guile. One of the most developed countries in Europe attracts high incomes, an excellent climate and attentive attitude to the needs of its citizens. Immigrants from other countries here can relatively easily obtain citizenship or purchase housing. The authorities do not deport those who rest 'too long', but rather the opposite - they strongly support the development of both tourism and foreign investment.

To more accurately understand how they live in Spain, we consider several key factors separately. After reading the article, you make a conclusion for yourself - whether the game is worth the trouble or it is better not to risk moving. Looking ahead, I would like to note that there are very few people who would refuse to live on Spanish territory voluntarily.



Here you will never need bulky coats and multi-layered down jackets. The air temperature, even in winter, rarely drops below 8 degrees Celsius, and in summer the thermometer often approaches the level of 30 ° C. It does not matter in which part of the country you plan to live: you definitely won't have to freeze. The coast of Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea in the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the north. This is a favorite place for travelers, lovers of both active and passive recreation, adventurers and adventurers. The air in the country is unusual for our purity. This is due to the almost complete absence of heavy industry. It is saturated with sea salts and ozone, so there is no need to worry about ecology.

It is worth noting not only the climatic and environmental features of the Spanish state, but also to recall the natural aspect. There are many rocky areas, walks on which are literally breathtaking. Whichever city you go to - fashionable Marbella or the famous Barcelona, ​​you will surely stumble upon dozens of cultural, painting, architecture monuments, remnants of ancient civilizations and more. There is something to see, what to admire and admire. There will be enough impressions for a long time: even the indigenous Spaniards admit that not everyone saw in their homeland, because the number of interesting places exceeds the free time to visit them. Today you can enjoy the beauty of mountain landscapes and get acquainted with the local fauna, and tomorrow you can explore the ruins of the Roman Empire, which is abundant in the country.

Connoisseurs of European comfort and modern technology will also be comfortable here. Dazzling buildings, luxury five-star hotels, multi-storey shopping and entertainment centers, street festivals and colorful fairs - all this in Spain in abundance. The younger generation will be interested in never-fading discos, which even small towns are densely littered with, and older people can be attracted to themed restaurants in which it is impossible not to experience gastronomic pleasure. Infrastructure develops continuously and confidently keeps pace with the times. Get ready for what is clearly not going to be bored - the main thing is that your financial state allows you to enjoy this endless holiday of life.



The cost of living in any Spanish region is as much as 645 euros per month. For Russians, this amount seems to be space, but in fact it is quite a bit by the standards of a developed European state. The average salary throughout the country is € 1,650 already excluding tax, but this is far from the limit. As for the minimum wage, it is equal to 740 €, however, such wages are most often found only in low-skilled specialists and foreigners who came to work by physical labor. The highest level of income is observed, of course, in the capital - Barcelona, ​​and the least earned in the Canary Islands. It is worth noting that about 25% of indigenous youth go to other countries in search of work, so immigrants in Spain have a very real chance to find a high-paying job without much effort.



Spaniards live even by European standards very well. They receive about the same as residents of cold Germany or romantic France, but at the same time prices in stores are much lower. Let us consider in more detail the main items of expenditure of the average resident of Spain:

  1. Rental housing. The most expensive to rent an apartment in the capital and in Madrid. In the largest metropolitan areas for “odnushku” ask from 500 to 1000 €, depending on the area, and a comfortable house of three rooms will cost 800-2000 €. In small towns, renting premises can be much cheaper. For example, in Malaga a studio apartment costs about 400 euros per month, and in Torrevieja it is possible to rent a studio for 260 local currency units. A family of even two adults of working age can afford such expenses.
  2. Power. The grocery basket does not take away half the salary from the Spaniards, as it often happens, unfortunately, in Russia. So, for a kilogram of beef or pork you need to pay 8-10, kg of cheese is estimated at 9-11, fruits cost an average of 1.5-2 per kilo, packaging of bread - 1, a liter bottle of wine 6-7, a pack of cigarettes - 5- 6 and so on. All prices are in Euro. In order to eat well and varied, on average it is necessary to leave at the grocery store no more than € 250 per person for 30 days! Quite a bit, even with a minimum wage.
  3. Transportation. A convenient network of roads and routes, including the underground metro and a huge number of inexpensive taxi services, make it easy to get to any point of the city. A travel ticket for ten trips in municipal transport costs 0.8 €, and in order to take a ride once, you need to pay 1.3 €. All types of vehicles run strictly on schedule, from early morning until late at night. There are also duty routes. With long-distance trips, too, there are no problems: pay from 10 to 65 € and go quietly at least to the other end of the country. The content of a personal car is also not a great luxury. Gasoline prices are average here, and the quality of the road surface and the integrity of insurance services make it extremely rare to spend money on repairs.



In order to make a correct conclusion about the current state of the economy in a state, it is necessary to find out how it helps the most vulnerable and low-income categories of the population: pensioners, children, the disabled, and combatants. It should be noted that with the payment of material subsidies and the distribution of benefits in Spain, everything is more than fine. For example:

  • pensions are an order of magnitude more than in neighboring EU countries (from 60 to 100% of the official salary);
  • financial benefits are paid to many categories of citizens: low-income, large families, pregnant women, young mothers, refugees, the unemployed, former prisoners and not only;
  • in the event of a job loss, a person has the right to expect to receive 60-85% of the former wage for up to 24 months.

The Spanish authorities are good with immigrants. Employed migrants can go to medical institutions on a free of charge basis and even receive unemployment benefits on an equal basis with the indigenous population.



The average life expectancy in this beautiful state is 82 years. This is best evidence of the fact that medical care in Spain is at the highest level. The government annually invests about 10-11% of GDP for the development of medical services. Insurance medicine is widespread throughout the country, which gives the right to be served free of charge in any departments of the hospital with the annual payment of a certain amount to the insurer. The Spaniards do not have to worry that pneumonia or a broken leg happened at the wrong time: all medical care, including drugs, will be paid for by the insurance company.



Should I move to Spain? Definitely yes! It is best to buy your own home somewhere in the resort area - for example, in sunny Marbella or cozy Malaga. You can live in the city of dreams all year round, or rent a purchased mansion for a lot of money. This is a profitable and long-term investment that will pay dividends 100%.